Westhill shed is a lively place with a lot always going on.
The shed has a well equipped wood and metal working workshop where you can do the things you would in your own shed but with company. Not only someone to chat to but to get ideas from or pass on some of your own knowledge. You can bring your own projects to work on, or help the shed with ours. You don’t have to use the workshop, some guys use the coffee table to set the world to rights, others build models, use the computers and 3D printer or play bridge.
It is completely free to join and to attend. We keep ourselves afloat by integrating with the community, doing projects as requested by the residents, schools, charities and others. We also take in unwanted tools to refurbish plus rescue lawn mowers, strimmers etc. from landfill. These are sold to the community at knockdown prices and through all of that we keep the lights on.
Everyone is welcome, wherever you live if you can travel to the Shed you can use it. Just drop in anytime we are open and someone will show you around. Opening times Monday 10-4, Wednesday 2- 8 p.m. and Friday 10-4.
See the Where? page for location and further contact details. Latest News is at the bottom of this page.
WESTHILL MENSSHED TOOL SALE will be held in the Mensshed on Saturday 23 November 10:00 to 1:00 – come along and browse the stock. Come early if you need a mower or strimmer as when they are gone they are gone. Free tea and coffee in a warm place for all visitors.
New gardening season. Buy your gardening needs at the shed. Lawnmowers, strimmers, loppers etc.
Just come along when we are open to browse our stock. Excellent prices and the shed guarantee. See Contact page for location and opening hours.

See the gallery page for other projects.
Always a busy place but equally time for a cuppa and a chat.
Shed projects always have a garden bench or two under way with special requests being woven in. The variety of things we are asked to make constantly surprises us. The curved bench at the Children’s hospital is our pride and joy, we have made stage sets for the Academy, mud kitchens, planters, beasty mansions and eco- greenhouses for primary schools.
The mainstay is refurbishing tools that have been donated as well as mowers and strimmers etc. saved from landfill through a brilliant agreement with Aberdeenshire Council and the recycling centre. These are sold to the community at knockdown prices and we get a lot of satisfaction from reducing the carbon footprint and finding a good home for some excellent garden and engineering tools.
We will repair your garden tools and electrical items too.
Join our modelling group; railways, canals. Learn to make 3D models play bridge or guitar.
We have a stock of refurbished tools that have been donated to us as well as wood, screws, nuts and bolts. Funds are raised from local initiatives such as the raffle, social evenings, draws.
Our thriving Sheshed has a sessions on a monday through the winter. The She shedders are doing their own projects and working on shed projects as well as crafting and hobbies. You can join the Sheshed, or find out more by sending an email to the contact@westhillmensshed.co.uk address.
Our new Portakabin is fully working now so there is plenty of space for the tea table.
The Mensshed has talks, usually on Wednesday evenings during the dark nights. Most are health related; we have had talks on prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s, Heart disease and many others given by experts in each field. Local history talks are also given by an expert. These are announced through our mailing list or a poster at the shed.
Social events are held at the shed when family and friends are invited for a burns supper, pizza night, BBQ, Xmas lunch etc.
If you join the shed we will include you in our mailing list to keep you up to date.
The Gordon and Ena Baxter foundation are contributing by paying for the inside finishes of the new extension.
The Gordon and Edna Baxter Foundation is a legacy project of the late Gordon Baxter and his wife Ena. The organisation supports charities and worthy community causes throughout the North East of Scotland and the Highlands and Islands. The foundation is chaired by Gordon and Ena’s grandson, James Baxter.

Sheshedders with their finished bench