Face Visor information
End of Face Visors available from Westhill Men’s Shed
As the virus first came to the UK, PPE for protection against Covid-19 was not available to anyone except the NHS, and not even to them for many weeks. We knew that Care Homes, Key workers, individuals who needed support and their carers and small businesses would need visors and could not get them.
Westhill Men’s Shed lead a volunteer team of 3D printers and assembly workers making face visors. With grants to cover our production costs we were able to deliver them free of charge. We made 2500 over 7 weeks before the Scottish Government chartered a plane from China to bring in about 10 million each of cloth face shields and visors and our main customer (Aberdeenshire council) no longer required them from us.
At the same time the visors became stock items from internet shops at reasonable prices (tip: look for UK stock and include postage; some suppliers sell for 1p and mark up the postage).
We have stopped production and have run out of stock.